





The latest development of 3. reverse osmosis membrane
超低压膜 由于节省电耗和降低相关机械部件的压力等级引起材料费下降等优点,自1999年以来超低压膜的应用比重日益增大,这在以使用4英寸膜为主的小型装置中应用最为突出,大型装置中应用超低压膜也呈上升趋势,目前使用超低压膜的最大装置的产水量为650吨/小时。
Because of the advantages of saving electricity consumption and reducing the cost of material caused by the pressure grade of the related mechanical parts, the proportion of ultra low pressure film has been increasing since 1999. This is the most prominent application in small devices using 4 inch membrane. The application of ultra low pressure membrane in large equipment is also increasing. The maximum capacity of the super low pressure membrane is 650 tons / hour.
低污染膜 膜污染是反渗透应用中的最大危害。目前已有几种抗污染性能强、使用寿命长、清洗频度低且易清洗的低污染膜问世。
Low pollution membrane fouling is the greatest hazard in reverse osmosis applications. At present, there are several low pollution membranes with strong anti pollution performance, long service life, low cleaning frequency and easy cleaning.
The material of low pressure and ultra-low pressure composite membranes with positive charge is now widely used as aromatic polyamines with aromatic polyamines with negative charge on the surface of the membrane. Now the membrane manufacturers have developed a low pressure composite membrane with positive charge on the surface, which is mainly used in the high purity water system with high resistance. The positive charge membrane (ES10C) produced by Japan Japanese Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. has achieved high pure water of 10-15 Mega resistivity in the three level reverse osmosis system of the semiconductor industry. The water resistance rate of the total water production of the total water production of the 3 production plants of Korea modern electronics company 800 tons / hour three reverse osmosis system is 8-9 mega, and 170 in a semiconductor factory in Shanghai. The three level reverse osmosis system is also up to the above indicators. In addition, the resistivity of reverse osmosis production in the two ton reverse osmosis system of 5-20 tons / hour in several pharmaceutical factories in China is 1.7-3 MEG.
耐高温、食品级、卫生级反渗透膜 普通水处理用反渗透膜的使用温度均为0-45摄氏度,但在需要耐90摄氏度高温杀菌的特殊场合,可使用耐高温、耐化学药品的反渗透膜。此外,各种有特殊膜元件结构的食品级或卫生级的反渗透膜也开始在国内应用。
The temperature of the reverse osmosis membrane used in high temperature, food and sanitary reverse osmosis membrane is 0-45 degrees Celsius, but the anti osmosis membrane with high temperature resistance and chemical resistance can be used in special occasions which need 90 degrees Celsius high temperature sterilization. In addition, various types of food grade or sanitary grade reverse osmosis membranes with special membrane components have also been applied in China.
Application status and latest progress of seawater desalination membrane

There is a 100 thousand ton reverse osmosis seawater desalination plant in foreign countries. The capacity of the large volume film desalination device is 6000 tons per day at present. At present, the water production of the reverse osmosis seawater desalination device is 350-1000 tons in China. The water utilization rate of the single section reverse osmosis seawater desalination is up to 45%, and the domestic currently is 35%. In addition, the reverse osmosis seawater desalination membrane loaded on the domestic fishing boats is a small membrane element with a diameter of 2.5 inches. At present, there are no more than 10 companies in the production of seawater desalination plants in China, and the "sub sea water" desalting device with 18000 tons of water production in Hebei is the largest reverse osmosis device used in the domestic desalination membrane. In the future, the application of seawater desalination membrane will enter a new era. In the near future, China will also build a ten thousand ton seawater desalination plant with daily output. In addition, commercial reverse osmosis membrane components have been commercially produced in China.


  1. 保定康科水处理设备制造有限公司
  2. 电话:13903326798
  3. 联系人:谭宝生
  4. 地址:保定市新市区康庄村

版权 © 保定康科水处理设备制造有限公司 网址:www.shuichulishebei.com.cn 推荐:反渗透/去离子水/纯净水/软化水设备

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