





Working principle of electronic ultra pure water
An overview of ultra pure water used in the electronic industry
Semiconductor, integrated circuit chip and packaging, LCD display, high precision circuit board, photoelectric device, all kinds of electronic devices, microelectronics industry, large scale, ultra large scale integrated circuit need a lot of high pure water and ultra pure water to clean semi-finished products and finished products. The higher the integration of integrated circuits, the higher the requirement for water quality. At present, the Electronic Industry Department of China has divided the electronic grade water quality technology into five industrial standards, which are 18M Omega.Cm, 15M Omega.Cm, 10M Omega.Cm, 2M Omega.Cm and 0.5M Omega.Cm to distinguish different water quality.
Making use of two stage reverse osmosis
电子工业超纯水处理设备 采用两级反渗透主机加EDI
The electronic industry ultra pure water treatment equipment adopts two level reverse osmosis mainframe plus EDI.
Production of ultra pure water treatment equipment in electronic industry
Process process for the preparation of ultra pure water for electronic industry
The process of preparing ultra water in the electronics industry can be roughly divided into the following:
1. The traditional water treatment method for the preparation of ultra pure water by ion exchange resin, its basic process flow is: raw water, sand carbon filter, precision filter, original water tank, Yang bed, Yin bed, mixed bed (compound bed), pure water tank, pure water pump, post precision filter and water use point.
2. The basic process flow of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment and ion exchange equipment is as follows: raw water, sand carbon filter, precision filter, original water tank, reverse osmosis equipment, mixed bed (compound bed), pure water tank, pure water pump, post precision filter and water point.
3. The combination of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment and electric deionization (EDI) equipment is a new process for making ultra pure water. It is also a kind of ultra pure water preparation process with environmental protection, economy and great potential for development. The basic process flow is as follows: raw water, sand filter, precision filter, original water tank and reverse process. Infiltration equipment, electric deionization (EDI), pure water tank, pure water pump, post precision filter, water point.
Comparison of three processes for preparing ultra pure water for electronic industry
At present, the process of preparing ultra pure water for the electronic industry is basically the above three. The rest of the process flow is derived from the combination of the three basic process processes. Their advantages and disadvantages are listed below.
1, the advantage of the first kind of ion exchange resin is that the initial investment is less and the place is less, but the disadvantage is that the ion regeneration is often needed, a lot of acid and alkali is consumed, and the environment is destroyed.
The 2 and second kinds of reverse osmosis are used as preconditioning and ion exchange equipment. The characteristics are that the secondary ratio is higher than the ion exchange resin, but the regeneration cycle of the ion equipment is relatively long, and the consumption of acid and alkali is much less than that of the ion resin. But it has a certain damage to the environment.
3, third kinds of reverse osmosis preconditioning and electrical deionization (EDI) device, which is the most economical and the most environmentally friendly technology to make ultra pure water. It does not need to use acid and alkali to make the regeneration of ultra pure water, no damage to the environment. The shortcoming is that the initial investment is more expensive than the above two ways.


  1. 保定康科水处理设备制造有限公司
  2. 电话:13903326798
  3. 联系人:谭宝生
  4. 地址:保定市新市区康庄村

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